As a designer I strive to create out-of-the-box designs, push the envelope, and welcome new challenges with enthusiasm. This blog is about my journey as a freelance designer. Different things I have learned along with templates I have created and offer to you free of charge are included in this blog. Feel Free to take a look around, leave some comments or questions please email me. And be sure to check out My World Of Design and my my portfolio Thanks for visiting Graphic Art Collections!

Everyone makes mistakes. For the graphic designer, it is how often he trips up that will make him or break him. Incessantly doing things over and over again, hoping, yearning for a different result is Einstein’s proverbial definition of madness; so many are in this camp. However, if you don’t know the answer, if you are not confident that you can find the exit, then you’ll be stagnated in this camp eternally, with no hope of escape. This needn’t be the case. Truth is, a failure is the path to success. Very few, for instance, learn how to ski without out first falling hard on the snow. The process can be tough. Failure may be the pathway, but if you know other’s mistakes, if you are privy to their hiccups and stumbles, you can be saved from the time and the frustration. Here, in this article, the five cardinal sins that graphic designers make will be detailed.

Working with Slim Info:

So, you take a design and the buyer of your gig is provides information that is like a small, gaunt dog. And what do you do? You, for your first sin, decide to work on the project anyway. Irrespective of the fact that you basically know very little on the details, regardless of the fact that you don’t have much to respectably work on, you decide (foolishly) to take the job. If you’re a freelancer, working with no details will be a nightmarish task. It’s like being left to dangle dangerously off a precipitous cliff, without the strength to pull yourself up. This cannot be belabored enough: always, always ask for detailed info. This will facilitate the job.

A Vague Audience:

You need a target. A bullesye. Don’t design something, whether it be a website or either a logo, without a target audience. Understand the message that the design is supposed to convey. If you’re designing a site for a certain niche, truly grasp the objective of the site. Ask the owner or yourself, “ What is this site trying to communicate? What audience is it trying to reach?” Having an ambivalent target will leave your work with flimsy results. Your success will be dubious. Really attempt to “laser-beam” the message to the audience you or your client wants. Do it early and you won’t be left standing in the wind, hoping for a soul to glance at your creation.

Cluttering your Space:

Have you ever been to a party or an event where there was a high volume of people, but the venue was far too small? You, cramped into a tight space, without enough room to turn your head and see the exit. Right, that’s no fun. It’s not great for design, either. Putting too many things in your design will only create confusion and bewilderment. People  won’t be able to decipher the message or the aim of what it is you’ve designed. Make things tidy, neat. Discard the superfluous things. Hurl the unneeded  bulk away. The average person would want something that is both simple yet sophisticated, rather than something that is convoluted and messy.

Under-thinking theTypography:

Fonts should clarify the image and message you want to portray. It shouldn’t be a random, “Gee, this sure looks nice!” Think about the philosophy of the font. Will it convey happiness? Will it convey sadness? Will it be neutral? How well does it fit in with other things (the site design, content, logo)? These are all questions you should ask before choosing the font.

Over-thinking the Job:

A design job can drive one mad with ideas. Take a breather. Think about the task but don’t overdo it. Over-thinking will render a bad design, just like the other sins above. Think, but breathe easy.

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