As a designer I strive to create out-of-the-box designs, push the envelope, and welcome new challenges with enthusiasm. This blog is about my journey as a freelance designer. Different things I have learned along with templates I have created and offer to you free of charge are included in this blog. Feel Free to take a look around, leave some comments or questions please email me. And be sure to check out My World Of Design and my my portfolio Thanks for visiting Graphic Art Collections!

Ah, creators block. The euphemistic expression we cower under when our robust procrastination grabs a hold of us. It’s the solace we take when we need a rationale to deflect the inactivity of the brain into something that seems plausible. Fact: People who work in creative industries fall victim to it. But it is not whether they fall victim to it, but how often it occurs. If the procrastination envelops the entirety of your day (when you need to be productive), then it is of gargantuan proportions and must be minimized. But that much is already clear to you, I’m sure. The quandary that most suffer from is how to do it.

Step 1: Acknowledge it

Denial is deadly. If you don’t realize that your “creator’s block” is just a nasty permutation of laziness and inefficiency, you’ll forever be in the morass of procrastination. Acknowledge it, diagnose the problem--that is the primary step to
curing any ailing disease. Procrastination is no different.

Step 2: Create Scenarios

Give yourself propositions, demands. This might make some shudder, but if you imagine a gun being put to your head, and the person holding the gun says that they only way to survive is to create something (in your case, design), then you will most likely get to work. Fantastical scenarios such as these give you no choice but to act. Immersing yourself into the situation may defeat any form of laziness or inactivity rotting within you. Why? It forces you to think outside the box; these demands give you everything to lose and to gain. Just be careful not to take them too seriously. Don’t jump off a rooftop if you didn’t meet the deadline--that’s a wee-bit too extreme.

Step 3: Inspire Yourself

One way to cure sterile productivity is to see what others have done before you. There may be a certain design or designer that you admire. Connect the creator of the content with your own work: there is no doubt that this same designer suffered from procrastination at one point. If this designer was able to deliver something great why can’t you.

Step 4: Eliminate Distractions

Distractions (tv, phone, internet, friends) have the proclivity to draw you away from your tasks. The best way to rid of this is to block out any distractions. Turn off the tv, phone, and the internet. You’ll be surprised what you can create when you do.

Step 5: Just Do it

At the end of the day, there is not better way to mitigate procrastination by doing what needs to be done. Utilize the four steps above and it should be much easier. Your production is relying on you.

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