As a designer I strive to create out-of-the-box designs, push the envelope, and welcome new challenges with enthusiasm. This blog is about my journey as a freelance designer. Different things I have learned along with templates I have created and offer to you free of charge are included in this blog. Feel Free to take a look around, leave some comments or questions please email me. And be sure to check out My World Of Design and my my portfolio Thanks for visiting Graphic Art Collections!


Vistaprint is a professional printing company that prints many different products for businesses and families. I came across Vistaprint while searching online for a printing company that printed business cards for a low and affordable price. It wasn’t until later I realized how well known Vistaprint is. Vistaprint promotes their company using many different marketing techniques. After discovering Vistaprint and making my first purchase with them, I now realize how well known they are and how their different marketing techniques got them company to this point.

The most prevalent marketing method used by Vistaprint is Google Adwords. Google This tool places ads on sites that are relevant to the ad, therefore attracting potential customers. The adwords visibility all depends on how much money is put into the campaign. Almost every website that I go to I usually will see a Vistaprint ad offering discounts on one of their many products. This shows how good of a marketing tool it is because it entices me to click and check it out.  

Another marketing technique employed by Vista print relationship building using Social Media Marketing. By using social media they can reach a broad client base. They currently have a Facebook fan page, which enables them to communicate with clients and potential customers on a more personal level. On average, over 2 million people use Facebook on a daily basis.

Vista print also uses email marketing, percentage discounts and television commercials to keep their customers coming back. When I get an email with the great discount they are currently offering, I always check out their offer. Vistaprint is a very successful company and website. These are the marketing tactics they used to get to the top of Google search.

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