As a designer I strive to create out-of-the-box designs, push the envelope, and welcome new challenges with enthusiasm. This blog is about my journey as a freelance designer. Different things I have learned along with templates I have created and offer to you free of charge are included in this blog. Feel Free to take a look around, leave some comments or questions please email me. And be sure to check out My World Of Design and my my portfolio Thanks for visiting Graphic Art Collections!

HTML Tips for Beginners
When it comes to design and coding, knowledge will separate the creations that are travesties from those that are masterpieces. HTML, usually the base for most websites, requires a bit of knowledge. Don’t be intimidated by this. If you take enough time to study it, the task of learning it won’t be difficult language to learn.

What is HTML
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language that uses markup tags that design the site. As mentioned, HTML is the basis for most websites; it is a common construction tool.

Tips for HTML

Read the Tutorials, Take the Classes
It is a given that you would want to read online tutorials or take some inexpensive classes. Once you find the mode of instruction that suits you, you need to take the time and actually study other websites.

Study the Markup Tags
You need to study the markup tags of other websites. By doing this, you will see the manner in which their site was designed. You will see, for instance, how the designer put something in a specific place; the positions of certain text, and a variety of other things. Learning from others is a great way to absorb the information, especially for a beginner.

Begin Implementing the knowledge
Once you feel somewhat comfortable with HTML, you can begin to practice it. You can begin to jot down the language in a Word Document or in a notepad application. Once you scribed your HTML, begin designing. Do it in small increments. As you become more adept, start doing larger projects.

Think, Be Original
If you want something stellar, you’re going to have to think outside the box. Use the knowledge that you have and form it into a coherent an cumulative effort. If you’ve learned how to handle awesome headlines or feel you have a great understanding of the structure of a site, put what you have to use. Essentially, this is challenging yourself to put out the best you can deliver.

HTML, though it may seem complicated for the uninitiated user, is pretty simple to learn. If you read and study and practice what you’ve learned, you are well on your way to becoming a master. Create the masterpiece.

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