As a designer I strive to create out-of-the-box designs, push the envelope, and welcome new challenges with enthusiasm. This blog is about my journey as a freelance designer. Different things I have learned along with templates I have created and offer to you free of charge are included in this blog. Feel Free to take a look around, leave some comments or questions please email me. And be sure to check out My World Of Design and my my portfolio Thanks for visiting Graphic Art Collections!

If you are designing a web page, the first and the foremost thing, you have to keep in mind is that, there are numerous ways to attract any important items or events. Among the several ways, one of the prime ways is to modify the font size of the main headline. If you write the headline in 48px, then everyone is bound to get attracted towards the headline. The chief intention of any headline is to attract the readers towards it. In this context, I would like to say that, using Typography is the principle way to get the desired attention. Increasing the font size is an old trick to attract readers. But before you move out to make your font 48px or even larger, there are some basic rules, you need to follow. Those rules are given below:

*    If you are going to announce a flat 30% or 40% off on any commodity sale, it might attract some people, but making the font intolerably large will ultimately turn most people off.
*    It is strictly advised to maintain the font size ratio of your body text to the headline text. Now for example, let us consider that, if you are typing the body text at 20pt and keeping the headline font at 30pt will not make it abhorrent. But if you type the text in 8pt and keep the headline in 16pt, this will surely turn abhorrent.
*    You have to preplan the types of events, which will trigger an increase in headline size.
*    You should also modify the font color and styles. You can use the best font style that suits your heading. You can also use the color red, as red attracts many readers. Making your text bold and italics will just add a bonus to it.
*    Other than modifying your text fonts, there are several other ways to achieve attention. Adding images and graphics will just add a flavor to it. People always love to visualize. The word APHORISM, which means, a picture says a thousand words, plays a significant role in this.
*    You can also change your layout in order to attract many people. CNN uses this technique to attract several viewers. Amazon too tried this technique and, guess what.They actually succeeded.
*    Animations will work a lot, if you have flat images. Many web designers use this technique in order to make their site more dynamic.
Now, these were some simple tips on how to use typography in graphic design. If you follow these simple rules you are bound achieve success in graphic designing.  So hurry up, and learn these rules or points by heart, if you are planning to rock! You will get a wide variety of font styles and colors in the internet. Choose according to your requirements, in order to give your design a classy look. Strictly maintaining the font size ratio is the prime rule in graphic designing. So just relax and use these simple tips of typography in graphic designing.

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